Duration: 40 Mins
Price: $240
Duration: 40 Mins
Price: $575 Pre purchase – Saving of $145.00
Duration: 40 mins
Price: $1008 pre purchased -Saving of $432.00
MesoJET is the state-of-the-art method for treating the scalp in a painless and pleasant way, achieving significant reduction in the rate of hair loss.
The unique micro-jet cleansing method achieves optimal and very deep cleansing, effectively ridding the scalp of dead cells, excessive oil, sweat and grime.
The result is a fresh and clean scalp that is ready to receive the infusion of the active ingredients contained in the nutrients rich solution. The MesoJET action provides a thorough scalp massage that promotes micro-circulation, sending blood flow to strengthen the hair follicles. The massage energizes hair while lowering stress and tension.
Once the scalp is cleaned and micro-circulation is stimulated, active components can penetrate successfully. The Solution provides an effective delivery of a valuable nourishment which promotes the reduction of hair loss rate, stimulates hair growth, and makes the hair look lush, glowing and bright.
No needles no pain and no downtime